Thursday, February 4, 2010

IVF, here we come.

Infertility is a journey. And yet what I didn't realize is that it's a journey that has more than one starting point. We start over and over and over again. Maybe one day we'll get to the destination?

Beginning 1 -- 2006, off birth control, we try to start a family, albeit not very intentionally. pick out baby names, plan ways to tell the family.

Beginning 2 -- 2007, we try ovulation sticks, more intentional about it, but no worries, we're still young, we just need a little more precision.

Beginning 3 -- early 2008, talk to doctor, begin hormone treatments, nothing. the worrying begins. so do the 'what-ifs'.

Beginning 4 -- late 2008, semen analysis, antibiotics. hooray, fixed problem! except, not so much. the anger creeps in.

Beginning 5 -- early 2009, new fabulous doctor, HSG, more semen analysis, more hormone treatments, yeah- this'll work- she understands my urgency. the depression begins.

Beginning 6 -- mid 2009, new fabulous doctor refers us to fertility specialist, have hope of a plan, 3 cycles of IUI, and I love that this solution is relatively natural- but nothing takes. discouragement at an all-time high, coping mechanisms completely exhausted.

Beginning 7 -- now, 2010, IVF. we are great candidates, she says. she really thinks it'll work.

Am I a fool to believe it?

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