Friday, April 23, 2010

double trouble

Well, not trouble, exactly...


2 beautiful heartbeats, 123 bpm and 114 bpm. They sounded awfully sweet. Thump, thump, thump, thump.

I spent the first few hours after my appointment thrilled at the prospect. My husband is over the moon, telling complete strangers that he's got 2 babies on the way.

But you know what's creeping in again? FEAR.

Now that I know I have 2 little ones growing within me, I am so anxious about losing one or both. After all, I'm only 6 1/2 weeks. That's a long way from the more hopeful 12 weeks.

Not that I have any reason to think I might miscarry. My doctor even wants to send me back to my regular OB in a couple weeks. But I have more friends that have experienced miscarriage than those who haven't.

Next ultrasound next week, right at 7 weeks. Hubby will be in town for this one, and he's very excited.

I just pray every day (minute) that I can keep these little ones growing!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Wow. Congratulations, that's so amazing. I completely understand the fear though, I hope the next 6 weeks go by quickly for you. :)
